Aug 14, 2012


Bodyweight squat is a fantastic exercise, focusing on your lower body. You can do it anywhere, no need for any equipment, only floor (just like with pushups). A lot of people (especially begginers) neglect their lower body and focus only on upper body thinking they only want bigger arms and thats a very big mistake. Personaly, I am a big fan of squats and I keep them in my routine. I used to do loads of squats during my judo training days and thanks to that I realized the importance of this exercise in any bodyweight training routine. Let's check the exercise out!

To perform a bodyweight squat all you need to do is stand up straight and start bending your legs at the knees until your hips are at the same height as your knees. Now extend your knees and hips back to the starting position. Keep your back straight and your knees in line with your toes during the exercise, that is very important. This exercise trains your quads and buttocks.


So thats that for today. Perfect exercise for lower body without a question. Keep training and call me up when you can do at least 50 of those, cya next time!



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