Aug 24, 2012

Wide grip pull up

Wide grip pull up is a pull up variation that focuses more on your latissimus dorsi (lats). With this fantastic upper body exercise you can build that v-shaped back like Bruce Lee had. Since the most of the strain is put on your back, it is more advanced and harder exercise than regular pull ups. It is adviced to do this exercise with overhand grip for maximal lat workout. What I like the most about this variation of pull ups is fact that with your arms wide on the bar, it's harder to unintentionaly swing or kip. Since your arms are wider, you have a little bit shorter way up to the bar, but don't think that this exercise is easier in any way than a regular pull up. Check it out yourself if you don't belive me!

Grab the bar with your hands full extended. Hands should be wider than shoulder width (around 6 inches wider)(wide grip). It is recommended that the bar should be held with overhand grip.
Begin the exercise by bending the elbows and pulling yourself up until your chin is over the bar. While pulling up, stick your chest out. Concentrate on engaging your lats.Your elbows should go to your sides. Hold this position for a second and slowly lower your body back to dead hang.
Muscles involved:
Back (lats), biceps, shoulders (posterior part), forearms.
Remember not to kip or swing to gain momentum while doing the exercise. Try to eliminate this as soon as possible, as it may turn into a habbit and will be hard to unlearn. Don't drop your body rapidly after your chin is over the bar because this may lead to injuries. Also, try to engage your abdominal muscles during the exercise. This exercise can be performed with overhand grip (recommended) and neutral or mixed grip. Exercise should be performed on a bar or gymnastic rings. Exhale as you pull your body up and inhale when you lower yourself back. This variation puts a lot of stress on your shoulder muscles, so if you have any injuries or feel pain in your shoulders, try different variation.
This variation is harder than close grip pull ups, because it puts more strain on your lats (back) muscles. In wide grip pull ups you have shorter range of motion than in close grip pull ups. This exercise can be combined with other variations of pull ups for example: L pull up, rear pull up.



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